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With love: Liz Devine 
Hi there! 

Hello! I'm Liz and I love to share Human Design in a grounded and practical way with conscious, curious minded people on their soul-led journey.


What I love about human design

– is that it can simply and powerfully transform the way we show up in our lives by giving us the map to our own personal guidance system.  Often, learning our design sparks a deep inner knowing of something hidden inside us that can be reclaimed and accessed in practical ways – from how we show up in the world, to navigating relationships or simply knowing what’s right for us. 


Understanding our design can provide a deep sense of peace as it allows us to let go of the mind being in the driver seat of our life – and shows us how to get in touch with our unique individual wisdom. 


We are in a great shift on the planet – moving away from allowing external people and systems to overly influence our path, towards living a life that’s fully + authentically aligned to our core self.   Human Design is a wonderful system to support us in becoming sovereign, finding our answers within and stepping into our power.


Keen to come on a journey?


Abstract Brown Texture

"Don't die with your music still in you"

Wayne Dyer

A bit more about me -- laced with some of my Human Design

I AM a Sacral Mani-Gen, 3/5, RAX Vessel of Love


* Like any typical 3/5 MG I love to get stuck in, get my hands dirty + involved in multiple things.  My background has been a jagged journey from joining the Navy; travelling the world; a 13y career in child protection social work and later HR -- both including advisory, training, management + strategic roles.  In 2020, I set up an online business with a brand of organic baby bedding, selling on Amazon USA + Australia.  On the side, I was building and renovating properties, studying interior design + renovation, walking camino, doing yoga + embedding myself in healing  + energy practices (family constellation, channelling, reiki then Human Design).


* Human Design first came across my path in 2010 when I randomly found a book in the Raglan Library.  It resonated immediately however was not until 2022 that I ventured further into my design contemplation + experimentation.  In 2023+, I studied under Erin Clare Jones' training and mentorship.








What can I bring to our sessions?​​


Awareness and knowledge from a social work background (professional training + development including clinical supervision) as well as experiential learnings from a variety of life lessons.


* Help you identify what’s out of alignment or needs improving in your life and support you to make changes through a step-by-step process.


* Help you find innovative practical solutions in both relationships, family + business.


* Work with your ideas + inspirations and help identify where to start.  Bring a different perspective for you to consider. 


* Support you to be true to yourself, believe in yourself and help align to your direction and purpose.


* Help you find your flow + make stuff happen.


* Support you to reflect on and give language to your emotions.





Wanna know more?

Freedom   l   Love   l   Truth   l   Expansion   l   Stillness l   Abundance   l   Magic   l   Adventure   l   Healing

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